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USACO: Packing Rectangles  XML
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Joined: 04/08/2011 14:32:19
Messages: 6

dajte nekoja ideja kako da se resi zadacava!! ?
: http://ace.delos.com/usacoprob2?a=MdqLNsbl4Km&S=packrec
Four rectangles are given. Find the smallest enclosing (new) rectangle into which these four may be fitted without overlapping. By smallest rectangle, we mean the one with the smallest area.

All four rectangles should have their sides parallel to the corresponding sides of the enclosing rectangle. Figure 1 shows six ways to fit four rectangles together. These six are the only possible basic layouts, since any other layout can be obtained from a basic layout by rotation or reflection. Rectangles may be rotated 90 degrees during packing.

There may exist several different enclosing rectangles fulfilling the requirements, all with the same area. You must produce all such enclosing rectangles.



Four lines, each containing two positive space-separated integers that represent the lengths of a rectangle's two sides. Each side of a rectangle is at least 1 and at most 50.

SAMPLE INPUT (file packrec.in)

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5

The output file contains one line more than the number of solutions. The first line contains a single integer: the minimum area of the enclosing rectangles. Each of the following lines contains one solution described by two numbers p and q with p<=q. These lines must be sorted in ascending order of p, and must all be different.
SAMPLE OUTPUT (file packrec.out)

4 10
5 8

Joined: 04/08/2011 14:32:19
Messages: 6

pomos??? moze pobrzo???

Joined: 07/07/2010 16:31:48
Messages: 447

igor wrote:pomos??? moze pobrzo???

Ги генерираш сите можни распореди на правоаголниците [(1,2,3,4), (1,2,4,3), ... (4,3,2,1) - има вкупно 24 вакви пермутации], и секој од четирите правоаголници во тековната пермутација (онаа која во моментот ја разгледуваш) пробуваш да го ротираш за 0, 90, 180 или 270 степени (бидејќи се четири правоаголници, ќе имаш 16 начини на нивно ориентирање). Потоа, пробуваш да ги поставиш правоаголниците на сите 6 различни начини дадени во задачата (види слика).

Инаку, таа задача е од ИОИ 1995, па решението можеш да го најдеш тука - http://olympiads.win.tue.nl/ioi/ioi95/contest/index.html.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/08/2011 01:09:54


Joined: 04/08/2011 14:32:19
Messages: 6

OK, fala
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